Mar 26, 2021

# Write to .txt filewith open('listingUrl.txt', 'w') as f: for item in listingUrl: f.write("%s\\n" % item)# Download all dataset from txt file! wget -i /content/listingUrl.txt

Hi, not sure if I missed something, but I don't believe the script above is working. This is the output Im getting:

Warning: Failed to set locale category LC_NUMERIC to en_BR.

Warning: Failed to set locale category LC_TIME to en_BR.

Warning: Failed to set locale category LC_COLLATE to en_BR.

Warning: Failed to set locale category LC_MONETARY to en_BR.

Warning: Failed to set locale category LC_MESSAGES to en_BR.

/content/listingUrl.txt: No such file or directory

No URLs found in /content/listingUrl.txt.

Can you help me with that? I have no idea what is this output about.


Written by Yukio

Mathematician with a master degree in Economics. Working as a Data Scientist for the last 10 years.

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