Going Beyond on AB Testing: Stop Running Away from Math!In today’s world of Large Language Models (LLMs) and automated tools, running an A/B test might seem deceptively simple. Yes, you can use…Jan 271Jan 271
Where Does the ‘Random’ in Random Forest Come From?The other day, I was reading about randomness, and the author brought up some algorithms that make clever use of it. This got me thinking…Oct 27, 2024Oct 27, 2024
What people misunderstand about the test set in machine learningINTRODUCTION: WHAT IS THE TEST SET?Oct 27, 20242Oct 27, 20242
An easily causality approach for data scientists beginnersPeople often say that correlation is not causation, but they rarely talk about the models that can actually infer causation. Many tend to…Aug 26, 2024Aug 26, 2024
This statistic is often inadequately explainedI’m a data scientist and a creator on topics related to data across multiple social media channels. Recently, I conducted a quiz in my…Aug 22, 2024Aug 22, 2024
Join this Free Exploratory Data Analysis Class!Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is where the magic happens in any data science project. It’s all about diving into your data and…May 15, 2024May 15, 2024
Linear Regression: You misunderstood Linearity in Parameters!The assumption of linearity in parameters is not about looking at scatter plots of y versus each of the features!May 7, 20244May 7, 20244
Applying Data Science for PricingOne area with significant potential for impact in many companies is PRICING, where cool projects can impress managers! Thinking of helping…Feb 2, 2024Feb 2, 2024
Linear Regression: Multicolinearity, they taught you wrongA FAMOUS MISCONCEPTIONJun 4, 20234Jun 4, 20234